Tuesday, April 27, 2010


a couple of weeks ago i went to see a naturopath. after an hour and a half long visit, she gave me somethings to work on and try. more 'movement', deep breathing, taking some drops, eating certain seeds/nuts during different times of the month and drinking 80+ ounces of water. i had no idea that a gallon of water is equal to 128 ounces. yikes. have you ever tried to drink more than a half gallon of water in a day? let me tell ya', it will keep you busy. yesterday i did it. i drank more than half a gallon at work and another 4 big glasses at home. we'll see how i do tomorrow.

i am thankful for water. inside and outside of my body.

i would love to go swim in the ocean at my favorite beach in mazatlan today!

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