Monday, February 22, 2010


i was going out for a late night walk and came across 'finnagan' the cat and had to stop and say hi. cats are such a great reminder (like kids) that the here and now are all that is important.
we played with the plants and cuddled, then we went about our night...

i am grateful for sweet cats that remind me to stop and play in the flowers and enjoy the moment the universe has given us and receive love where it is given.

it reminds me of all my homeless friends. i never know where love and kindness will reach me... with a smile from a street corner, a friendly cashier, a good friend, a lover... it is all love and i take it as such; with gratitude and reciprocation... and hope to pass it on in my next encounter.

as i pass it forward i am filled with love and know i am part of a greater good.
i am living proof that all the nice things i have done... have ALWAYS come back to me.

if you are a recipient of any of my goodness, please know that it holds all the goodness that has been shared with me. and when you pass it on... it only multiplies.

(i am grateful for joshua who helps me correctly spell all the words i say... but sometimes can't spell.)

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